Thursday 17 May 2012

Dotterel at Ringstead!!!

My mother came with me to look at the Dotterel at Ringstead! We parked the car in 'Green Lane' (the same lane where people parked to see the Black-winged Pratincole a couple of years back) and walked along the lane to the deep furrowed field to view a distant, but beautiful female Dotterel found by Mark Bradbury and his wife/partner – thank you for your directions! This was 6.45pm (phoned update to RBA).

I am so excited, one day to go....... then I'm on holiday for two and half weeks!!!!!!!!!! Wahoooooo!!!!! I will be jetting off in my Skoda to....... NORFOLK!!!!!!

Other bird news today:
Great White Egrets x 2 seen at Burnham Overy Staithe and one at Cley!
Savi's Warbler at Strumpshaw Fen
Temminck's Stints x 2 at Cley
Dotterel at Ringstead

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