Wednesday 30 May 2012


Singing at Cley NWT 100yds north of East Bank in elder west of the bank!!! This bird was first heard by two local birders (separately) this morning and then confirmed as definate a bit later on.

After the torture of being in the hairdressers this morning, I finally got to Cley and walked in blistering heat to the East Bank from the NWT Visitor Centre. No sign or sound of the Great Reed Warbler whilst I stood there, so left and walked around Walsey Hills NOA to pish out an orphean warbler, but only managed chiffchaffs, male and female blackcaps! Went to Coastguards to look for this morning's Great White Egret but no sign. Sat in the car in the sunshine and had my evening meal of sandwiches!! I can't remember the last time I cooked a meal - no time for this at the moment! I then drove to Walsey and managed to get my car parked there! Walked along the East Bank to join others and finally had several views of the Great Reed Warbler on and off at 6.40pm and then it seemed to disappear. At 8pm it showed again briefly sitting in a bush with a reed warbler, just after Julian B. and Pete S. turned up - they were lucky! Also 3 Spoonbills and 2 Med. Gulls flew east over the East Bank.

Paul Bishop actually managed to catch a flight shot of the Great Reed Warbler as it flew closer and south of the bank!!!

Main Highlights in Norfolk today:
Great Reed Warbler at Cley
Great White Egret at Cley
Red-rumped Swallow at Cley
Red-backed Shrike at Horsey
Red-footed Falcon at Rockland Broad

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