Friday 25 May 2012

Too Hot!!!

I know I shouldn't complain and its a stunning day, but its too hot for me, don't do hot weather. Stayed at home to get some important jobs done. FINALLY unpacked my external hard drives and plugged in so I can shift a ton of photos off Macbook, which in turn will allow me to take thousands of photos off cards onto the Mac and start adding to my blog! Only nearly a year behind - I need to add photos to blog from July 2011 - terrible state of affairs!

Can't see many rares landing in the sunshine and blue skies, but you never know!

Highlights in Norfolk today:
Black Kite over Blakeney Point
Honey Buzzard over Cley
6 Common Cranes over Swanton Novers
Temminck's Stint at Burnham Norton
and LATE News at 6.26pm of 6 BEE-EATERS!!!!! at Bush Estate, Eccles 'this morning then flew south'.

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