Friday 1 June 2012

Titchwell RSPB and Thornham Point

A cold, uninspiring day with grey skies and cold north winds.

Titchwell RSPB and Thornham Point
Cettis's, willow, reed and sedge warblers singing, bearded tits flying about. Red-breasted Merganser from Parrinder Hide along with several cute little gulls. I counted 100+ oystercatchers, also knot, bar-tailed and black-tailed godwits, pochard, shovelers, avocets and chicks etc. I heard a man saying that he had watched a magpie fly in and take every egg from an avocet nest this morning! Loads of swifts flying across the main path, sometimes so close I thought they were going to collide with me!

Walked all the way to Thornham Point and only saw meadow pipits, a red-legged partridge, magpie and linnets! 2 great crested grebes were on the sea opposite the viewing platform.

Bird of the day was a juv. cute robin who was being fed by mummy in the picnic area - a couple of chiffchaffs and a blackcap also here.

Hoping that tomorrow will improve!

Hardly anything of note in Norfolk today, but two Red-backed Shrikes at Horsey and another at Winterton along with a Woodchat Shrike (late this evening).



  1. Never been to Titchwell, we shall have to give it a go :-) thanks for the insight....

  2. Hi Kevin and Seri

    Titchwell RSPB is one of the top reserves to go to Norfolk. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
