Monday 18 June 2012

Weekend Update

Very sadly no birding whatsoever this weekend. I spent nearly all day Saturday editing 53 pictures to put onto a DVD for selection for a forthcoming publication. In the early part of the evening I picked my sister Lucy up and joined baby sister Vivien at my parents for 'Father's Day' get together. I then drove alot of miles to deliver the DVD and got back to King's Lynn around 10pm.It was a pretty hectic weekend really which was totally my own fault as I should have sorted the pictures ages ago. Couldn't get together for Father's Day on Sunday as I had to work a hardcore double 11 hour shift. When I got home Sunday night I then put together another DVD for another forthcoming publication and collapsed into bed!

NOW I can concentrate on selecting, editing and adding blog pictures to all posts!

The 'Unnatural History of London' on BBC2 this evening was brilliantly filmed - enjoyed watching this immensely, especially the chilli seeds tip to deter squirrels!!! Watch it on iplayer here if you missed it.

Here is a juv. Black Tern that I took last year at Salthouse on 31/7/11.

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