Friday 6 July 2012

Torrential Rain and some very sad news indeed!

It was the heaviest rain here in King's Lynn I have seen since living here – I got soaked this morning just walking from my front door to the car! It had rained all night and all day until just after lunch. We had leaks at work and there were lots of buckets in use!!! I have never known such torrential rain for such a long period and severe weather warnings have been issued for the weekend – see here

Festival too kicked off this evening (I didn't bother going) and tomorrow night which I am going to with:

Jessies Ghost
at 18:30
at 19:30
Jake Morrell
at 20:00
The Brand New Heavies at 21:30

Finale of Festival Too is next Friday 13th and Saturday 14th.

Had to whizz over to my parents after Andy' Murrays Semi-final victory to sort their television out as quote from mother 'father had done something to the telly' – mother couldn't watch the tennis! I sorted it out for them and I watched the highlights of the match again with them before going home. Also father wasn't very well again today - so worried about him. My mother had to 'deal' with a horrible bully of a man this week who lives in the village – a very selfish, nasty person, who if I had been a 'son' I would have gone round to his house and decked him, if only I had a big brother! Mind you, it riled me so much, that someone has upset my mother, I feel like going round myself anyway!!!

Anyway on returning home this evening I was just about to jump in the shower, when I received an absolutely shocking text from a birding friend about a Norfolk birder who had passed away this week – I can't say who as I don't know who knows yet and not appropriate to say just now, but I am so shocked, life is an absolute bitch, I know we are all going to depart from this earth at some point but still, so very, very sad........

Its been like that at work this week as well – had to fight back the tears this morning in 'handover'. I am in the wrong job really, I get too emotionally attached to my patients.

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