Saturday 21 July 2012

First Day of Summer!!!!!

I feel shattered most of the time at the moment, must be my age! We have been short staffed at work for a while now, which makes everyone in the team exhausted at the end of the day. I have had an ear infection for approximately 10 weeks and no anti-biotics have cured it, so my GP referred me to an 'ear, nose and throat consultant in early August - hope its gets sorted soon, its beyond boring now. Couldn't get up early today, too tired.

Cley NWT
A brilliant sunny day with no rain - makes a change! I arrived at Cley and had lunch in the NWT Visitor Centre. Went for a quick look at 'Cley Fair' by the church which was from 2pm-5pm - several stalls including craft, tombola, cake stall (I resisted), plant sale, bric-a-brac etc and books for sale in the church along with cream teas! Got a text from a friend via someone else to say there were a couple of Silver-washed Fritillaries at Holt Country Park, so off I went.

Holt Country Park
The carpark prices have gone up from £1.00 to £1.50 - don't even think of not paying as John F. told me that a white van comes round the carpark randomly and slaps a £30 parking ticket on the cars that haven't paid! Found Mr Furse who joined me to search for the Fritillaries, which of course were now not showing when I arrived! Eddie joined us a bit later too. Birds seen here: Treecreeper, both male and female blackcap, stock dove calling and a song thrush with a beak full of food. Butterflies seen: a single Red Admiral, several White Admirals, a Comma, Ringlet, Meadow Brown. At Holt Lowes I saw and photographed a female Keeled Skimmer. Several bees were seen including the new Tree Bee (Bombus hypnorum) see useful site here and several hoverflies - see interesting site here. Some Birds' Nest Orchids were also seen which Eddie found. I gave up searching for Silver-washed Fritillaries!

Walsey Hills NOA
Still like a jungle and extremely overgrown now, the bottom path is almost non-existent.

Coastguards, Cley
Swallows flying around the carpark and sandwich terns flying west.

Daukes' Hide NWT
2 Med Gulls, 3 Yellow-leg Gulls, 6 Spoonbills flying east, several Little Egrets flying around, a single Greenshank, several Redshanks, 2 Spotted Redshanks, several Egyptian Geese, Little ringed Plover chicks, Marsh Harriers, Avocets with young, Black-tailed Godwits and two hares lolloping around. A few cormorants flew over the hide to roost.


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