Monday 2 July 2012

Welney WWT

I hoped that the Squacco Heron would stay another day, but when I looked at RBA at lunchtime there was 'no news' – typical! I had gone to great lengths yesterday to swap my working day with my colleague Sarah, so that I could do her early shift, to enable me to finish at 3.15pm. I know there was 'no news' but I decided to go anyway. I was on the road by 3.30pm and arrived at Welney at 4pm. I was told on arrival that there had been several people looking for the bird this morning. When I walked into the Reedbed Hide there was no one else here – I searched in vain. It was spitting with rain the whole time I was there. Walked out of the hide and walked further along the track to the furthest point and then back again to the centre. Oh well, you win some, you lose some! Sat in the car and had my tea – sandwiches which I had made last night. I was so tired at this point I started to fall asleep. Along Ten Mile Bank Road I saw three Grey Wagtails flit away by the roadside. I was so close to Ely where my little sister Vivien lives, it was very tempting to surprise her, but I felt exhausted, so sensibly drove back home. Working 6 days a week is getting tougher and tougher now I am getting older – poor 'ol gal'!!!

Anyway, enormous thanks to Sarah for swapping shifts x

Highlights in Norfolk today:
3 Ruddy Shelducks at Pentney Gravel Pits
Snow Bunting (male) between Salthouse and Little Eye

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