Monday 27 August 2012

Hot Birding this Bank Holiday Monday?

A big fat NO!!!

I would love to have been seawatching in the Sheringham shelters on Sunday - but hey ho. My little Nikon ED50 isn't exactly awesome for seawatching, I don't have the pennies for a decent scope at the moment, but love the excitement of a good seawatch. I have always been working on the best seawatching days at Sheringham, but have had some good days nevertheless. My best birds seen there were two adult Sabine Gulls flying west, close in over the surf in brilliant sunshine - won't forget that day ever. I was sitting with Andy W., Justin L. and usual faces inc. dear Robin Abel who incidently, always seemed to be there before anyone else on a potentially good day - I recall arriving at the shelters one morning in the dark at some crazy time, along with Andy and Justin and we were surprised to see Robin already sitting comfortably on the benches and reported that he had been there since 5am!

Thinking about it - hmmmm..... I wouldn't mind living in Sheringham. I do know one thing, I have to get out of King's Lynn, can't stand it much longer - been here since 2001, much, much too long. Never wanted to be here in the first place, had no choice at the time. Feel imprisioned here. As I write the dog is howling next door, no change there! I have been trying to decide which path to follow in life over the last few weeks - I can see myself re-locating in the not too distant future. Anyway enough waffling!

Work all day today. Didn't miss too much, thank goodness, although I wouldn't have minded seeing the Greenish Warbler on Blakeney Point, which is still there today I see - Joe's picture is here on Surfbirds. Can't open Joe's blog this evening, don't know why!?

A friend in north west Norfolk posted a picture on facebook late this evening of a 'humongous moth' - it was a CONVOLVULUS HAWK Moth!!!

GOOD NEWS – I have a week's holiday in September and in October - roll on!

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