Monday 20 August 2012

Out birding at last!

Last day of my holiday!

I didn't get up particularly early this morning - driving to Rutland back and forth for three days has drained me! Went to my parents to deliver the Micro Moth book that mother requested and also gave her a little present which I purchased from the Swarovski stand - a pair of miniature crystal binoculars. Mother pointed out a large hoverfly on the applemint (forgotten the name of it now, will ask her tomorrow). Father's not well at all and stubbonly refuses to see a GP. The hoverfly was not on the applemint when I returned with camera!

West Track, Warham - nothing at all apart from two chaffinches.

Walsey Hills NOA
- nothing of note, BUT the path has been cut, although not enough in my opinion as I was brushing against nettles at the far end.

Cley Coastguards
- full of beach dudes and dog cr*p on the shingle! Good points were a huge flock of goldfinches feeding on the thistles on the Eye Field - the pool is dried out, so no waders there. Lots of hirundines gathering on the barbed wire fence. Took some pictures of cute baby Swallows.

Dauke's and Teal Hide, Cley NWT - loads of waders including a very photogenic Snipe just under the hide flap. 8 Common Sandpipers together from Teal Hide. Several wigeon also. A beautiful evening and sunset. Stayed out too long and arrived home late! Its difficult to leave Cley on a sunny evening! I wish I lived there - one day maybe.


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