Saturday 25 August 2012

Please vote for my Sedge Warbler!!!

This is one of my pictures which was shown at the "Portfolio Review" presented by Johnathan Scott and Mark Carwardine at BIRD FAIR.

I entered this picture into the WWT Photography Competition before the Bird Fair and it closes on the 31st August, so not long to go before voting stops!

Please vote if you like my picture, thanks!

No birding today, still recovering from last couple of days. Such a boring day. Thunderstorms, torrential rain and sun all day. I decided I needed some air and a short walk to include photographing the Fulmars from Hunstanton Cliffs. The sun was shining when I left King's Lynn, but on my arrival at Hunstanton it was pouring with rain and black skies. The only picture I took, was of a moody seascape with the iphone!


Main Highlights from Norfolk – RBA:
Dotterel, 2 Roseate Terns and 2 Pied Flycatchers at Blakeney Point
Pied Flycatcher at Cley NWT
Spotted Crake? heard at Cley by West Bank this morning.
Spoonbills at Cley NWT and at Titchwell RSPB

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