Sunday, 12 August 2012

Snettisham Coastal Park - the one that got away!

Nothing of note at all.... until......

The weirdest bird I have ever seen.
All in a moment and gone forever!

After seeing absolutely nothing apart from a wood pigeon and a few goldfinches, I wished I had stayed at home. I walked back along the seawall feeling despondent. Suddenly a brown, large bird came into view and landed in a hawthorn bush. My first thoughts were a massive thrush, that looked fieldfare like. It sat with its back to me but turned to the side briefly to reveal a dark eye stripe and pale supercilium. The back of the bird was ruflous brown with paler brown belly. The most prominent feature was two very distinctive white blobs on the top of the head (either side). Just as my thoughts turned to taking a picture, the bird flew into another bush out of view - a fanned out tail was displayed. The bird had gone. I walked to the lower path to search, but in vain. I actually wished I had stayed at home. I phoned several people for advice and the following birds were suggested "Mistle Thrush", "juv. Cuckoo" and "juv.Sparrowhawk". No, it wasn't any of these. I conclude that it must have been an escape of some kind, if it wasn't I have just lost out on a possible first for Britain!!!!! (I jest!) But seriously, I just can't work out what this bird was! I just hate this situation, gutted!

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