Wednesday 19 September 2012


Badgers, Ruddy Ducks – the list goes on and on....

Millions of birds and animals are being culled in the UK - what the hell is going on and what a wicked waste of our money!!!

Culling, unnecessary use of pesticides, food additives, air pollution, dioxins etc are killing us all!

We are also on the list, slowly being destroyed by the modern age of pesticides both in the food that we eat, dioxins, the alcohol that people consume (full of pesticides and other crap) etc. I preach about the dangers of alcohol to people I know, but nobody listens to me 'little and in moderation with everything Penny' is the answer I receive. Did you know that alcohol raises oestrogen levels? High oestrogen levels can develop into Breast Cancer, Endometriosis etc etc. See article HERE about oestrogen. I used to drink in my twenties and I paid for this dearly – it took SEVEN years to be diagnosed with Endometriosis and I suffered with this excruciating illness for 12 years in all. I was in hospital more than I was at home for the final two years, leading up to a hysterectomy at the age of 33. The alcohol wasn't totally to blame, but it does raise oestrogen levels and if you are someone who has a higher than normal level of oestrogen, alcohol certainly doesn't help. I could write about endometriosis all night, as I do consider myself an expert on this particular illness - I know more than the doctors or consultants as I had to research this myself out of desperation at the time - been there, done that! A typical account of endometriosis written in January this year HERE in the Daily Mail.

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