Saturday 6 October 2012

A Spectacular Morning!

Kingfisher at Holme Marsh Reserve NWT.

I have seen very few birds today and also missed out on the spectacular Jay event, BUT had an amazing time watching and photographing a spectacular Kingfisher at an undisclosed private site. The kingfisher looked stunning in the sunshine and posed beautifully. This is the first time I have actually managed to obtain some decent photos of this magical bird. I spent several hours at this site. Also saw a comma, a red admiral, several dragonflies whizzing about, two sparrowhawks and a marsh harrier.

In the afternoon I drove along the coast to Titchwell RSPB to look for the 'possible' Blythe's Reed Warbler that came up on my pager at 2.47pm (seen at 1pm) in sallows just left of the path by the Fen Hide. I spent a long time here looking for this bird, but no luck. Didn't see much else here either really. Oh I did have two Cetti's Warblers, one along the main path and one by the Fen Hide.

I felt really tired late afternoon, so tired I went home much earlier than I normally would do. I drove home via Hunstanton and got some cracking pictures of the most beautiful sunset over the cliffs.

One of the shortest posts I have written on a Saturday, but that's all there is sorry! Hopefully, tomorrows will be an amazingly long post with megas, hot gossip and all kinds!!! I will try and put some kingfisher pictures up tomorrow night.

Other HOT NEWS:  I noticed in the sightings book at Titchwell RSPB a huge number of entries of birds generally, which included a Snow Bunting on the beach, a Short-eared Owl seen coming in off the sea, Kingfisher from Fen Hide, Whinchat, swallows and a Common Lizard were seen.

Light north westerlies forecast for tomorrow now, instead of the previous easterlies forecast! Now going east late Sunday evening and SE on Monday.


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