Saturday 20 October 2012

Bird News!

I was completely burnt out and stressed from work this week. I just couldn't set the alarm this morning, so woke up naturally. By the time I left the house and did some chores for my parents it was lunch time. It was very foggy in north west Norfolk up until midday. Westerly winds again today.

I cruised along the coast road and couldn't make my mind up where to go. I ended up going to Wells and having a look in 'The Dell'. I don't often go here for one main reason – you have to pay to park, something I don't like doing. £2.00 for one hour. I was slightly over the hour when I got back to the car, but luckily didn't get a ticket! Quite busy with birds here, long-tailed/blue/great tits, goldcrests, jays, blackbirds, but nothing else exciting.

Was just going to indicate left to go up the West Track at Warham, when the pager bleeped up that the Eygyptian Vulture was seen going east from Warham at 2.25pm. It was now about 10 minutes later, so I zipped to Morston in hope of having a glimpse of this monster bird. No luck whatsoever. I questioned all walkers and birders that had just walked east and west of the carpark and no one had seen it. I have no idea where that vanished to!!!

Walked up to the whirlygig and only saw a couple of redwings, nothing else really of note. Back at the carpark I saw a hen harrier by East Hills.

Cley NWT Hides: Yellow-leg Gull on Pat's Pool – Eddie said there were 4 there. The Sacred Ibis did not cruise into roost this evening. No sign of the white-rumped sandpiper either.

Pretty boring afternoon. Work tomorrow, it will all kick off then!

Main Highlights in Norfolk - RBA
Eygptian Vulture, Warham
Hen Harrier at Titchwell, Burnham Overy Staithe
White-rumped Sandpiper at Cley
Richard's Pipit at Holkham
Firecrest at Great Yarmouth
Great Northern Diver, Red-necked Grebe, Long-tailed Duck, Scaup at Titchwell RSPB

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