Wednesday 17 October 2012

Egyptian Vulture in Norfolk!!!

Hot Birding at CLEY!!!

If the Egyptian Vulture seen today had been wild, I would have been hopping mad to say the least!!! Its a good job that I didn't see news about this bird at lunchtime, it would have been very worrying indeed, as the initial message read MEGA: Norfolk, Egyptian Vulture juv. Morston flew west along A149 at 1.22pm (earlier flew west over Cley). Obviously nobody knew 100% if this bird was escaped or wild at this point, until the anklet and bell was seen, 12 pager messages later!!! My lunch break finishes at 1.15pm, when I switch my phone off. The first message came out at 1.22pm. I first knew about this bird when I was looking at the pager, whilst sitting in queues of traffic after work this evening on route to the hairdressers. If this bird had been wild, which of course would have been highly unlikely anyway, I would have been cancelling the hair appointment on route to the bird!!! I would still love to see this monster of a bird, so if it sticks around West Norfolk tomorrow, I will certainly attempt to see it after work.

Congratulations to Chris Abrams who found the Egyptian Vulture as it flew over the East Bank at Cley. It then flew across Pope's Marsh and then all along the coast road! It was last seen going west over Burnham Norton Marshes at 3.09pm. The seven year old vulture is called Manfred and has escaped from Wales! See HERE.
Also see picture taken by Dave Curtis HERE

M.A.G. found the Red-rumped Swallow this morning and a White-rumped Sandpiper was also found in Cley.

Main Highlights in Norfolk Today - RBA
EGYPTIAN VULTURE at Cley and continued its journey along the A149 to Burnham Norton where it was last seen flying west at 3.09pm
White-rumped Sandpiper at Salthouse
Red-rumped Swallow and White-rumped Sandpiper at Cley
Sacred Ibis, Salthouse
Pectoral Sandpiper at Kelling
Osprey at Briston
Common Cranes x 13 at Welney WWT
Rough-legged Buzzard at Holkham (circling with the E.Vulture!)
Pom. Skua, Hen Harrier, Long-tailed Duck at Titchwell RSPB

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