Tuesday 2 October 2012

Hot News!

Main Highlights in Norfolk – RBA
Caspian Gull at Cley
Yellow-browed Warblers at various locations
Sacred Ibis at Salthouse
Not too much else really in these westerly winds, couple of fly over lapland buntings, crossbills, hen harrier and a few whinchats around.

 I am on a very interesting "First Aid at Work" (St John's Ambulance) Course for three days this week. Whizzed over to Advanced Camera Services at Watton this evening to drop my old Canon 7D in for full assessment/quote. Fell asleep for four hours this evening as soon as I got home!

Had a lovely email from a birder who knows me, well actually he didn't really know me, as he thought I was ten years younger than I am actually am - ha, ha! Made my day, thanks J!

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