Sunday 14 October 2012

Seawatching at Holme!

I finished work earlier than expected today, so flew over to Holme for a seawatch. A furious sea lashing up to the dunes with strong north westerly wind, produced 11 Great Skuas between 5.15pm and 6.30pm. There were about 6 people seawatching – the only person I knew was James G. I even managed to get some shots of the Bonxies as they twisted through the breakers! Everyone left by 6 (ish) and James and I hung on for the Leach's Petrel (ha ha).

11 Great Skuas (mostly west)
2 Brents west
3 Eider on sea
Grebe sp.
5 Wigeon west
2 Turnstones west
30+ Sanderling west
30+ Common Scoter
100+ Knot east
Auk sp.
2 Kittiwakes west
12 Gannets

I would have thought there was a good passage of seabirds at Cley and Sheringham today on north westerlies, yet there is nothing on the pager apart from a Leach's Petrol?

Seawatch from A.B. at Hunstanton HERE

Eddie's list from Cley here: Black Guillemot flew west at 4.35pm. Red-necked grebe made off east at 5pm. 145 Common scoter, 130 Little gulls, 39 Bonxies, 50 odd Red-throated diver, 4 Manx shearwater and a drake Eider. A Peregrine hunting out over the sea at 9.45am, knocked a bird into the sea and a Bonxie flew in and stole it's prize.

Also nice selection of birds at Holme today HERE

Main Highlights in Norfolk – RBA
Yellow-browed Warbler, Firecrest,  several Lapland Buntings,
Pom. Skua, 212 Little Gull, 2 Red-necked Grebe, 3 Velvet Scoter,
Ring Ouzel, Crossbill, at Holme
Ring Ouzel at Thornham Point
Yellow-browed Warbler at Warham
Lapland Bunting x 2, Mealy Redpoll and Jack Snipe at Burnham Deepdale
Great Northern Diver at Cley
Firecrest and YBW at Great Yarmouth
Pectoral Sandpiper, Firecrest, YBW at Kelling
YBW, 10 Crossbills at Wells
Osprey at Lyng
Firecrest at Winterton
13 Common Cranes at Welney
Leach's Petrel at Sheringham
RED-THROATED PIPIT reported at Walpole Highway


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