Friday 2 November 2012

Bird News!

Main Highlights in Norfolk – RBA
Great White Egret at Bale
White-rumped Sandpiper at Cley
Common Crane x 2 at Burnham Thorpe
Richard's Pipit at West Runton
Snowbuntings at Hunstanton and Holme 
Waxwings x 2 at Strumpshaw
Hen Harriers x 5 Warham Greens
Long-tailed Duck at Salthouse
Great Grey Shrike flew SW over Holme NWT
Great White Egret at Horsey Mere
Water Pipit at Strumpshaw

Ben Lewis took a stunning picture of an OTTER at Strumpshaw.

75 Shags roosted at Cromer Pier and 37 roosted at Hunstanton Cliffs this evening!

A friend this very kindly phoned me this evening to say they have an albino Blackbird in their garden and I am welcome to go and photograph it tomorrow – so will take that offer up!

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