Tuesday 6 November 2012

Bird News!

Went to a Jamie Oliver Party at Sarah's house this evening. Not really into J.O., but it was lovely spending quality time with the girls from work and catching up with Lesley who has recently retired. Thanks to Sarah and Claire and everyone else for a lovely evening.

Main Highlights in Norfolk – RBA
DIPPER at Thetford
Hoopoe at Old Hunstanton
Jacksnipe at Strumpshaw Fen
Black-throated Diver, Long-tailed Duck x 2, Lapland Bunting x 4, Water Pipit x 3 at Cley
Little Auk, Great Skua at Scratby
Black-throated Diver, Slavonian Grebe, Long-tailed Duck x 3 at Titchwell
Ross's Goose at Waxham
Great Northern Diver at Holkham
Ferruginous Duck at Welney WWT

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