Friday 9 November 2012

Bird News!

Main Highlights in Norfolk - RBA
Red-backed Shrike at Weybourne
Water Pipit x 3, Jack Snipe, Bittern and 2 Otters at Strumpshaw Fen
Great Northern Diver x 2 at Cley
Hawfinch x 2 at Lynford Arboretum
Crossbills x 8 at Hunstanton
Jack Snipe, Slavonian Grebe, Red-necked Grebe,
Long-tailed Duck x 2, Velvet Scoter at Titchwell
Hen Harrier at Brancaster
Waxwings all along the coast

I received an email on Monday from the RSPB/Paramo informing me that if I purchased the Halacon Coat from Paramo I would receive a free Torres Gilet FREE (RRP £80) – now understandably I was pretty gutted, having already bought this coat and had just missed out on this fabulous freebie, so I emailed Paramo and I explained that I was upset that I had missed out on their fantastic offer, only days after I had purchased my jacket and they very, very kindly posted me a free Gilet anyway!!!! I received this today, so very pleased indeed!!!

I am also very pleased, because ITS FRIDAY!!! Have a great weekend everyone!

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