Saturday 10 November 2012

Hunstanton Cliffs

Raining nearly all day.

I started to count Shags at around 4pm (Hunstanton), but the 20+ that had gone to roost were disturbed by late walkers underneath the cliffs and then intermingled with others arriving! So my totals went completely to pot!!!! I would guess at least 30+ probably more like 50 to be honest, but who knows!!! Also I couldn't stay as long as I wanted, as there were several angry looking dogs about.

Main Highlights in Norfolk - RBA
Waxwings at various locations throughout the county
Snowbuntings at Holme and Cley
Hen Harriers at Thorpe Marshes
Jack Snipe at Strumpshaw
Water Pipits at Cley and Titchwell
Tundra Bean Goose at Choseley
SWIFT sp. at Hemsby
No sign of the Black-bellied Dipper at Thetford or the Red-backed Shrike at Weybourne

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