Tuesday 13 November 2012


The beginning of a new me. I decided enough was enough, tired of being overweight. Every time I look in the mirror I see someone else, not the Penny that was. I have tried to do Weight Watchers at home with the old 'points system' and failed. I decided I need to be more regimented and take it seriously. Paying out money every week and being weighed, makes you serious about dieting! So this evening I joined Weight Watchers. It now works on the 'Pro Points System' which is similar to the old system really. I have been allocated 26 Pro Points per day and everyone gets 49 on top of that per week. Just to give you an idea fish and chips is 30 Pro Points – so being clever with the points, you could still have fish and chips each week! No more cheese scones from Cley VC! I will report each week how much I have lost. By Spring next year a new Penny will emerge, hopefully!


  1. I had a slice of Victoria Sponge Cake at Cley VC the other day and felt so guilty afterwards, but its so nice. Good Luck !

    1. Hi Nigel
      Yes, the cake at the VC is very good, but it will be a long time before I have any!
      Thanks for your support.
