Thursday 13 December 2012

Bird News!

Main Highlights in Norfolk – RBA
BLACK-BELLIED DIPPER (probable) at Nar Millhouse at Narborough!
Is this the Thetford one, or another?!!! 
Snow Bunting x 19 at Burnham Overy Staithe
Long-tailed Duck x 2 at Titchwell
Scaup at Wroxham Broad
Sacred Ibis, Scaup, Slavonian Grebe, Water Pipit at Cley
Ring-necked Duck at Whitlingham Country Park
Common Cranes x 54 at Horsey!!!
Hen Harrier at Choseley
Waxwings at Norwich, Surlingham, Longwater, Cley, Strumpshaw Fen

On the Narvos Website email link I received the following:
John Filowiat     4:08pm Dec 13
Dipper this morning at Narboro' mill

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