Saturday 8 December 2012

Lunch at the Art Cafe!

Got up late this morning and then helped my parents with shopping. It was a beautiful sunny day and it's a pity I wasted it getting up late, but I was very tired and needed lots of sleep.

Cruised along the coast road to Cley. Popped into CleySpy who informed me that my Leica Trinovid 8x32 BN binoculars are currently being re-furbished to as new condition and will be with me shortly. Also Leica will not be charging me. That's pretty good considering some of the problems I have heard about people fighting to get their bins repaired under guarantee. I will probably be selling these binoculars when I get them back if anyone is interested.

I then met up with Pete S. for lunch in the Art Cafe, which is a few yards from CleySpy. We were lucky to get the last table. I had bubble and squeak burger with nut pate, red cabbage and walnuts, cous cous, salad etc and a brown roll. Pete was impressed with the food. I am always impressed with the high quality of food served here, it really is excellent.

Coastguards, Cley – a female stonechat was seen on the wire fence in the Eye Field and also a small flock of goldfinches. From North Hide there were a pair of colour-ringed Stonechats just in front of the hide. Little else of note really.

Walked along the East Bank alone in failing light. Big flock of starlings swirling round and a couple of marsh harriers.

Saw a woodcock on route to Holt. Went to Bakers and Larners and bought a few interesting vegetarian items and then drove home listening to Rita Ora's album.

Thank goodness James Arthur and Jahmene Douglas are going through to the final! The X-Factor winner will be announced tomorrow night.

Main Highlights in Norfolk – RBA
Waxwings at Longwater, Fakenham, Cley, Glandford, Hemsby, Holme
Sooty Shearwater, Purple Sandpiper, Snow Bunting x 70 at Cley
Glaucous Gull at Sheringham
Bewick's Swans x 30 flew over Swaffham
Bearded Tit on cliff path at Weybourne
Lapland Bunting at Weybourne
Velvet Scoter x 10 at Waxham
Taiga Been Geese x 31 at Buckingham Marshes
Hen Harriers x 8 at Warham Greens
Hen Harriers x 3 at Roydon
Snow Buntings x 25 at Salthouse
Hen Harriers x 3, Little Gulls x 2 at Titchwell RSPB
Scaup at Wroxham Broad

Also over the border a HORNEMANN'S ARCTIC REDPOLL at Aldeburgh, Suffolk – see stunning pictures HERE

My mother saw 100+ Lapwing in the fields between Old Hunstanton and Holme this morning.

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