Saturday 22 December 2012

Rain, rain go away!

It has been raining solidly ALL day, as it did yesterday and the day before that! There is a pond opposite my parent's house which is at the highest level on record and is close to flooding the entire road, which is VERY worrying indeed! The owners of the pond are not there (weekend cottage) so my parents can't even inform them of the dangerously high level the water has reached!

Work has again been incredibly busy, stressful and manic. I hadn't got the energy to carry out food shopping last night, so had no choice but to go today, as working all day tomorrow and on Christmas Eve. Got up late, joined the crowds to buy food etc and then flew over to CleySpy to collect my completely refurbished Leica bins that I am selling. They look so good now, that I am not sure if I do want to sell them anymore – BUT I need the money and I don't really need two pairs of binoculars – or do I?!!!!

Delivered Christmas cards and then went home and watched Strictly Come Dancing Final – Lewis and Flavia won – fab–u–lus!!!!!

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