Wednesday 9 January 2013

Time for a change?

It has been so stressful with big changes at work this week, I seriously think its time to look for another job. I didn't turn my computer on after Sunday until late Tuesday night, which is very unusual for me. I've hardly slept at all since Saturday evening and feel massively stressed, exhausted and fed-up. I only wish I could earn the money that I do, working in a residential home or similar which I feel would be very fulfilling. I enjoy tremendously caring for elderly people and trying to make them feel cared for and happy, but the pay is generally diabolical in private care homes. Plan B is to apply for an NHS Band 3 desk job!


  1. good luck with that Penny, it's miserable being in a job you don't like. Happily I'm not in that situation, but I'd stay stick with the NHS either way, at least you'll get a hopefully decent pension eventually which you won't get if you go into private care homes, not to mention the double and triple time for weekends/bank holidays at the NHS, opposed to the diabolical wages of private care. Yes, definitely go for the desk job, could be the best move you make!

  2. Thanks Sue. I am not in the pension scheme anyway. Time and two thirds on a Sunday and bank holidays. There is no double or triple time in the NHS sadly!

  3. gosh, they've gone downhill since I was in the NHS then, used to be time and a half for Saturdays, double for Sundays and triple for bank holidays!
