Tuesday 5 February 2013

Fair Isle Lighthouse hit by 45ft Waves!

Incredible and scary watching this video. I stayed in this lighthouse the last time I time I was on Fair Isle!

"On Monday Fair Isle experienced some of the highest seas in the world with waves battering the islands lighthouse destroying a “break water” wall." This wall was 121 years old!

Dave Wheeler wrote on his facebook page on Sunday: "The biggest seas currently on the planet are going to be west of Orkney over the next 60 hours. They will be monstrous, with a height of 48+feet. Whilst grand for driving 'stuff' ashore, its simply 'no witty' to be out in. Please STAY SAFE, take NO CHANCES. You won't get a second one from mother nature."



Also see this incredible video on Eshaness, Shetland taken yesterday: http://youtu.be/8pUzrl-uRtQ

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