Tuesday 12 March 2013

Bird News!

Main Highlights in Norfolk – RBA
Otters x 2 at Thetford (no sign of Black-bellied Dipper)
Red-crested Pochard, Long-tailed Duck at Titchwell RSPB
Snow Buntings x 3, Purple Sandpiper at Cley

After work this evening, I cycled to the rough field between my estate and the QEH and watched three barn owls together. One of the barn owls was sitting on the same post as it was on Saturday when I visited this site! No sign of any short-eared owls though. Hedgesparrow singing, a couple of carrion crows and three magpies. I only bought my 'car binoculars' with me (a pair of Nikon 8x25's) as I don't want to risk being mugged for my Swarovski's!

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