Saturday 30 March 2013

DIY for almost two days!

Well, its been almost all work and no play this Easter. But at last the new fence panels are now up, thanks enormously to Eddie who has been amazing this weekend and has spent almost two days helping to put up the new panels, digging out existing fence posts, concrete, and clearing loads of stuff etc. We have been working throughout the snow blizzards. We did manage to get some birding in late today though: Nuthatch calling in the copse along the old Castle Rising Road off the A149 and a adult Med. Gull at Titchwell RSPB being the highlight. Again as on Wednesday when I went, there were thousands of gulls in the roost. Also lots of avocets, couple of pintail, shoveler, teal, shelducks, little egrets, marsh harriers and a barn owl. Popped in to visit parents for half an hour. Mother showed me a new photograph of father and RAR together, which Ruby Jackson had sent to her in the post – the picture shows both of them sitting on a bank (looks like the East Bank at Cley to me) and father looks so young, maybe early twenties. My hands were so cold that father lent me his hot water bottle to warm up on for a few moments!

Got a chinese takeaway from King's Lynn and then Eddie went home. He will be glad to get back to a normal day tomorrow! For me, sadly I am working all day. Bank Holiday Monday will be a full day's birding, but not sure where yet. My garden looks like its been ransacked, now the greenhouse has gone and all the plants that were demolised etc from the neighbour's tree fall. Still loads of things to take down the dump and stuff to sort, but with lighter evenings now, I have no excuse!


Also Happy 49th Wedding Anniversary to my parents today and also Happy Birthday to Lorraine!

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