Monday 22 April 2013

Norfolk Bird News etc!

Main Highlights – RBA
Osprey at Wormegay
Whimbrel x 2 at Holme
Wood Warbler at Blickling Hall NT

A very short list for April, even for a Monday!

Picture of the new viewing platform at Holme Bird Observatory on the front page of their website HERE – looks good!

I escaped this evening after work and went birding at Holme.  A cold evening and no sun, but a few birds seen including a male Ring Ouzel in a horse paddock (very distant and not photographable!), couple of marsh harriers, chiffchaffs calling, cettis's warber singing, male blackcap and lots of hirundines late in the evening around 8pm.

Went to visit my parents for awhile. Father had got his shorts on again and he made me feel cold, as its not exactly hot this evening. Spent some time as I usually do, attempting to encourage my father to carry on with life and suggested help with all kinds of things that need sorting – but the only reply I got was 'NO', 'NO' and 'NO' etc – the most stubborn man I have ever come across! I love him dearly, but he is impossible and gets worse with age!

Drove home via Chapel Bank at Old Hunstanton in search of owls, but none seen. It was raining steadily all the way back.

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