Monday 1 April 2013

OMG!!! MEGA!!! SNOWY OWL in Norfolk!!!


Just received an email from a birder to say that a SNOWY OWL has been in Norfolk today (Sunday)!!! It was first seen sitting on the top of Muckleburgh Hill at just after 10.15am briefly, before taking off and flying east, following the coastline towards Sheringham! It was found by two dog walkers who were not totally sure what it was – but fortunately they managed to get some record shots on a mobile phone and asked a local birder what it was later in the day!!! Although the pictures were not exactly clear, it was immediately obvious what it was to local birder D.F.A.!!! What makes me really cross is that they left it until this evening before they bothered to tell anyone!!!! How unbelievably frustrating – that's an understatement!!! Its my dream to see a Snowy Owl, can't believe this has happened whilst I have been at work all day. I also can't believe it wasn't picked up again further along the coast! Apparently some pictures will be on the net soon!!! We will just have to pray that its stopped off to roost before continuing its journey and also that if it is seen in East Norfolk that the news actually gets put out!!! Surely if it got as far as Sea Palling, birders watching the Glaucous Gulls would have seen a bl**dy big white owl cruising past?!!!

All eyes to the skies tomorrow PLEASE!!! I know where I'll be in the morning!!! Good Luck to everyone looking. Birding gear ready at the door – good night.


  1. Hi Penny, you will also have to pray that it doesn't have any jesses or other falconry nonsense on it...;) Good luck!

  2. I do not need snowy owl for Norfolk as back in 1991 I drove past Burnham Overy and asked a crowd of birders what bird they were looking at. Snowy owl ticked.

    Between us the lesser scaup was on a pond in King's Lynn this Monday morning. County tick at last!

  3. April Fool indeed!

    Paul - yeah right!!!!
