Monday 8 April 2013

Walkers of King's Lynn

The Skoda garage – 'Walkers' in King's Lynn is the best garage I have ever been involved with. Every time I have been there, from the moment I have purchased my car they have provided a first class service. Took the car in this evening at just before 5pm and they mended the puncture in my car and only charged me £15.00. The technician said my tyre was on the 'borderline' of being damaged enough to warrant a new tyre, but luckily I didn't need one. I enquired about the cost of a spare new wheel and I was surprised when I was told £124.00 – I thought it would be much more than that, so I ordered one, which is what I should have done when I first purchased the car. I was sitting watching TV and enjoying coffee and biscuits whilst waiting for my car to be sorted, when I heard the news of the death of Margaret Thatcher aged 87 who died of a stroke today. Whatever you think or feel about Margaret Thatcher she has family and friends who are grieving right now and I found it awful to hear of people speaking badly of her on the day of her death.

I really enjoyed watching Martin Clunes presenting the 'Islands of Britain' this evening. Makes me want to sell up and live the island life!

As I am sure most of you know by now there has been a massive loss of puffins in Scotland between Aberdeenshire and Northumberland recently and I notice there are reports of several puffins being washed along the Norfolk Coast too, including four at Holme over the last few days (see HERE).

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