Friday 17 May 2013

Norfok Bird News etc!

Main Highlights – RBA
Wood Warbler remains at East Wretham Heath (see fab pics HERE)
Icterine Warbler rung at Holme Bird Observatory
Puffins x 25 flew past at Coastguards, Cley
Blue-headed Wagtails x 2, Red-backed Shrike (male) at Cley NWT
Spoonbill at Welney WWT
Common Scoter at Barton Broad NWT
Honey Buzzard at Titchwell RSPB
Honey Buzzard at Swanton Novers
Black Brant, Spoonbills, Ring Ouzels at Warham Greens
No sign of Red-breasted Flycatcher at BP.

Other News
RED-FOOTED FALCON remains at Lakenheath Fen RSPB, Suffolk and also a Golden Oriole was heard today in the second plantation.

BLACK-WINGED STILT at Wicken Fen NT, Cambridge for 4th day
(found on 14th by James Hanlon – see his account HERE plus fab pics of the Red-footed Falcon etc)

I didn't think the Icterine Warbler would be seen again today, (see NOA website) they rarely show again after being rung I recall, when father caught them at HBO!

I won't admit to what time I actually crawled out of bed today, my body ached dreadfully. I had full intentions of going birding this afternoon, especially with Red-backed Shrike turning up at Cley and Icterine Warbler at Holme, there had to be something else out there, but the time just seemed to run away. I had to go food shopping, no choice and needed to stock up for the weekend. I actually cooked myself a proper dinner this afternoon, can't remember the last time I did, as birding requires sandwiches for all day. There is no one at home to cook my tea when I get back late! Edited pictures again and caught up with my ever increasing amount of emails of requests, information etc – I need a PA!

A big day and alot more walking tomorrow is on the cards I feel.

Have a fabulous birding weekend everyone!

Weather tomorrow:
Tides for King's Lynn: HERE and for Wells Bar: HERE

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