Monday 10 June 2013

Norfolk Bird News etc!

Main Highlights – RBA
White-spotted Bluethroat remains west of the East Bank at Cley
Hen Harrier at West Somerton
GULL-BILLED TERN briefly 7.55pm at Kelling Water Meadows then flew west

Other News
RED-FOOTED FALCON fem. remains at Ouse Fen, Cambridgeshire
MARSH WARBLER at Southwold, Suffolk

The last three days of white cloud and no sun has been so depressing and is definately affecting people's mood including mine. Took Lucy to visit our parents this evening. The first part of the evening was spent trying to persuade father to see an opthamologist at the QEH (he cancelled his last appt), but he absolutely refused and said he would never set foot in another hospital again. Although he did agree for me to take him to the local opticians, so I suppose that's something!  I think father enjoyed seeing us – he certainly enjoyed the chocolate truffles Lucy had bought him! We all sat and watched Springwatch together, although father could only listen to it, he can't see the TV at all now. After dropping Lucy off, I continued onto my house and watched a muntjac deer running alongside my car in the street!!!

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