Wednesday 26 June 2013

White-throated Needletail's Tragic Death!!!

For the third and terribly sadly, its last day!

From Mark Golley's RBA Review "STOP PRESS: After delighting birders throughout the day, the Needletail was picked up dead after being seen to fly into a wind turbine"

How awful that this incredible bird has died, poor thing

The most INCREDIBLE pictures of this bird by Josh Jones HERE
and the most views and comments of Josh's picture I have ever seen on Birdguides 

As I commented 'Spectacular is an understatement Josh! Your picture will go down in history!!! WOW!!!' – I just can't believe the sheer beauty of this bird, the picture Josh has taken and the awful end to what must be one of the most incredible birds to ever grace our shores!

Chris Batty's picture on back of camera HERE
Video from Dan Pointon HERE 

More pictures and account HERE

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