Monday 8 July 2013

Titchwell RSPB

Sunday Evening
Worked this morning, which wasn't in the least bit funny in this heatwave. Got home, cleaned bike up, as I now have to cycle to work every day  – can't take the car any more as new rules have been implemented – if you live within two miles of the hospital you can not park at 'Peak Times'. This is because of the dire car parking situation at the hospital. I don't like being told how I am going to travel to work!

Watched the most exciting Wimbledon Final since Virginia Wade won in 1977 – showing  my age now! I can remember my mother, sisters and I jumping up and down and screaming with excitement when she won that final! Had a shower, cooked my tea and then left to go birding in celebration of Andy's win!

Titchwell RSPB – Island Hide 8.00-9.30pm
It was a beautiful evening and there were tons of birds on the scrapes. 1 Spoonbill, 6 Spotted Redshanks, 3 Little Gulls, 280+ Black-tailed Godwits, loads of Knot, a few Ruffs, Avocets with chicks, Common Terns with 3 teenage chicks, Redshanks, Shelducks, Lapwings, Little Egrets, Pied Wagtail and juvs, Starlings etc. The Spoonbill flew over the main path in the setting sun towards Thornham at 9.30pm.


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