Sunday 18 August 2013


 Tim Appleton and me!

Arrived at the Bird Fair fairly early this morning. Beautiful weather today and much warmer than yesterday! Today I wore my re-designed 25th Anniversary Tea-shirt, which resulted in several complimentary comments about my sewing skills – thanks!

 Bird Fair 2013
My Tea-shirt

David Lindo, 'The Urban Birder' and me!

Another picture of Simon King and me again!
TV's Nick Baker - the ladies Bird Fair Pin-Up, sorry Simon!

I would just like to say a huge thanks to all my blog readers whom I met over the weekend – it was great to meet you all! Also thanks to Neil Glenn who managed to obtain a lovely present for me – Neil is author of the Best Birdwatching Sites Guide to Norfolk, now in its third edition – see HERE
 Johnny Kingdom entertains the crowds in the Events Marquee!

Watched Johnny Kingdom in the Events Marquee at 11.00 who is just a great entertainer and so passionate about what he does, he talks more than more me though and had to plead for extra time, which he did get. He is so enthusiastic and wants to tell you and show you so much and the time just runs away! I was sitting in the front row for this and remained in my seat for the next event which was "Celebrity Wild Brain of Britain" which was hosted by Nigel Redman and the contestants were: Dominic Couzens, Stephen Moss, Nick Baker and Bo Beolens. This was, as always, hugely entertaining and Dominic Couzens very smoothly beat Stephen Moss into first place with 11 points.

Nigel Redman chairs the event.
 You can never have too many pictures of Nick Baker!!!
I'm sure the ladies would agree!

Stephen Moss and Nick Baker

and another!

Stephen Moss in the 'Black Chair'
Bo Boelens ( in the 'Black Chair' enjoying the banter!

Dominic Couzens, cool as ever!
The only contestant who never looks worried!

Nigel Redman presents Dominic Couzens with the award – he's won again!

Had a wonderfully relaxing lunch at the food marquee and it was the best day so far – glorious sunshine and warm without being too hot. Live music again today.

I managed to get photos of Tim Appleton and Martin Davies today and a third day picture of Simon King and me! Sadly I didn't see LGRE to photograph this year – only saw him briefly on day one, when he was in deep conversation with someone and I didn't want to interrupt him for a picture. Also didn't see Birdforum's Steve Kirk or Andy Bright which was disappointing. Saw Rob Lambert and his girlfriend Lucy over the weekend and also saw Keith Betton today and Dean Eades. Saw several Norfolk birders walking round who were amused by my non-birding attire! Met up with Andy Wilkinson, Mandy and children, Chris and Belinda Lansdell and Justin and Sonia Lansdell for a drink and catch up, mid afternoon which was lovely. Managed to buy an incredibly cute, fluffy, furry Kiwi which sang/called when you pressed his tummy – this was part of the props on the New Zealand stand and thank you to Matt Jones who sold it to me.


 Daniel López-Velasco, a tour leader with BIRD QUEST
Very photographic indeed!

Gunnar Engblom (centre) – Kolibri Expeditions.
Note: Gunnar sang 'Bird Party'!

Mark Avery.

Brian Egan, Rare Bird Alert.


Carl Browne and I on the Guyana Stand!
Opposite the RBA stand, taken by Brian Egan.

Carl Browne and team on the Guyana Stand – really lovely people!

Me – taken by Peter on the WildSounds stand and the following picture.

 Tim Appleton.

 Irene and Tim Loseby on The Fair Isle Stand.

Simon King signing cards for fans!

The Queue!

 David Lindo, 'The Urban Birder' and me!

 Jonathan and Angie Scott chatting with an exhibitor.

Keith Betton at The African Bird Club Stand.

 Bryan Bland on the Sunbird Tours stand.

New Zealand stand and where Matt Jones kindly sold me the cuddly Kiwi!

Don't know this ladies name, but she smiled beautifully for the camera on The Azores Stand.

Another young man working on the Azores Stand.

Don't know who this is, but he crept into my camera!

General picture in one of the marquees.

The raffle was drawn for the Wild Wings Antarctica trip, but sadly it wasn't me that won! When bird fair finished at 5pm, I sat in the food marquee area and had a cup of coffee and a gingerbread man before I went home. There is no point in leaving the bird fair when it finishes as you spend ages queuing to get out. On route to my car I took close up pictures of all the birds painted on the massive bird fair mural (see pictures at end of post) and had a nice chat with Martin Davis and also mentioned about the possibility of doing a birder's disco, which Martin explained they wouldn't be able to do, because of noise issues with the villagers close by. Maybe as Ceri Levy mentioned at the party on Saturday night, that we should have a concert for nature – Wembley Stadium, here we come!!!

I didn't take that many pictures to be honest this year, (honest!) and only took a few stand pictures. But took lots of video of the Saturday night party which I will add this week.

Well the Bird Fair has been and gone again for another year and for me it always feels quite sad at the end. We all have to wait another year to celebrate, meet up with friends and share our love of birds. I would just like to say a massive congratulations and thanks to Tim Appleton, Martin Davis and all the bird fair staff and volunteers and everyone who gives their time to creating this wonderful event for all us birders to enjoy and Congratulations on your 25th Anniversary!

 Martin Davis at the end of the day, looking happy!

 Looking forward to Bird Fair 2014!


 Oh dear! On this video when Derek Moore signs his book for me: 

Visitors having lunch, whilst listening to Ronnie Haar and Louise Sofield -- The Fairbirds. The Fairbirds are an English folk-pop duo formed in March 2013. See more information here: 

World music choir Global Harmony in their practice session, before performing later in the Events Marquee. See more information here: 


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