Tuesday 3 September 2013

Uploading Videos to Youtube!

If anyone has any suggestions to help me out I would be very grateful. I uploaded a 16 minute video from my Canon 7D camera last night onto Youtube. It took from late last night, all day today and until about 8pm this evening to upload!!!!!

I phoned my ISP which is TalkTalk and found it that my Thompson Router is old and I can have a new faster wireless router free of charge, which they are putting in the post for me. I can also opt to add Fibre Optic Broadband either 'medium' at 38 megabites per second for an extra £10 per month or 'large' at 76 megabites per second for an extra £15.00 per month. Neither of these I wish to pay, so I will wait for the new router and see if that makes any difference. I just can't believe that a 16 minute video takes and day and a half to upload!!! I must be doing something wrong surely?

UPDATE: Huge thanks to Paul and Phil for their very prompt and helpful assistance with this!

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