Thursday 3 October 2013

Bonelli's Warbler at Old Hunstanton

After work twitch to Old Hunstanton to find several birders looking for the Bonelli's Warbler including Mark B and his wife, Andy B., Robert S., Billy R., Joan and LGRE. No sign at all, weather dire and light closed in on us quickly. M.A.G and R.M managed to see the bird early this afternoon and it was seen very well this morning by a few lucky people – one of whom has a got a photograph too, but not seen it anywhere on the net yet that I can find. Robert had a record shot on his camera aswell. The finder of the bird I found out, was Alan Bull (ex. Ranger at FIBO).

Visited my parents and delivered some shopping. Father in an extra low mood because of negative results of his optician's appointment this afternoon.

Not enough light to look for the Bonelli's before or after work now, so hope very much that it enjoys Old Hunstanton and all it has to offer until Saturday, please!

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