Tuesday 29 October 2013

Norfolk Bird News!

Main Highlights – RBA
*HUMPBACK WHALE seen at Hemsby at 7.35am and then continued north and seen at Winterton, Horsey, Waxham, Sea Palling, Eccles-on-Sea, Happisburgh and then at Sea Palling at 2.10pm
*Pictures and write up in the EDP can be seen HERE
PALLAS'S WARBLER still at South Dunes,Winterton
Shorelark at Gore Point, Holme
Great Skuas x 7, Short-eared Owl at Holme
TWO-BARRED CROSSBILLS (both males), Hawfinch at Lynford Aboretum
Slavonian Grebes, Long-tailed Ducks x 3, Snow Bunting, Little Stint at Titchwell RSPB
Ring Ouzel at Nunnery Lakes NR, Thetford
Great White Egret a Lakenheath Fen RSPB
Yellow-browed Warbler at West Runton
Long-eared Owl at Barton Turf
Caspian Gull at Cley NWT
Shorelarks x 2 at Thornham Point

Other News – more Mega's!!!
STOP PRESS! MEGA! HERMIT THRUSH, Porthgwarra, Cornwall
STOP PRESS! MEGA! LESSER KESTREL, Hope's Nose, Torquay, Devon

MEGA! MYRTLE WARBLER remains Lundy, Devon
MEGA! MOURNING DOVE remains Isle of Rhum 
MEGA! WHITE'S THRUSH, remains St Agnes, Isle of Scilly
MEGA!!! CAPE MAY WARBLER remains for seventh day on Unst, Shetland!
MEGA!!! SORA remains at Tresco, Isles of Scilly
Northern Harrier remains at Ouse Washes RSPB, Cambridgeshire

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