Thursday 31 October 2013

Norfolk Bird News!

Main Highlights – RBA
Velvet Scoters x 2, Snow Buntings x 24 at Winterton
Yellow-browed Warbler, Firecrests x 2, Whooper Swans x 2 (flew west) at Great Yarmouth Cemetery
Hooded Crow, Little Stint, Pomarine Skuas x 2 at Titchwell RSPB
Hooded Crow at Trimingham
ROSE-COLOURED STARLING remains at Caister-on-Sea
Snow Bunting at Holme
Yellow-browed Warbler at Old Hunstanton
Lapland Buntings x 3, Snow Buntings x 8, Shorelarks x 2, Caspian Gulls x 2, Whooper Swans x 6 at Cley NWT
HUMPBACK WHALE at 11.30 only, Sea Palling
Rough-legged Buzzard at Horsey
Snow Buntings x 29, Slavonian Grebe, Velvet Scoters x 4 at Holkham
Common Cranes x 27 at Potter Heigham

Other News
MEGA! MOURNING DOVE remains Isle of Rhum
MEGA! HERMIT THRUSH remains at Porthgwarra, Cornwall
MEGA!!! CAPE MAY WARBLER remains for eighth day on Unst, Shetland!
MEGA! WHITE'S THRUSH, remains St Agnes, Isle of Scilly
Northern Harrier remains at Ouse Washes RSPB, Cambridgeshire

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