Wednesday 2 October 2013

STOP PRESS!!! Norfok Coasthopper Petition!!!

I was quite shocked to receive an email about a petition to keep the Norfolk Coasthopper Bus Service in Norfolk!!!!

PLEASE SIGN, Tweet, Facebook, Blog, Email etc.

This service is vital to local people, tourists and the whole network in Norfolk, how can they even think of scrapping it!


  1. I've known about this issue for ages and try to alert everybody when I'm down there. I don't drive so if the coasthopper goes, I can't come to Norfolk at all! Amazing how many locals don't know about this.Tell all your birding friends!! It would be tragic if it happens.

  2. Hi Rosie!
    Thanks for commenting. This service is essential for so many people. Trying to highlight this to as many people as possible.
