Saturday 2 November 2013

87 Today!!!

It's my Father's 87th Birthday Today!

I had a lovely day with all my family at the 'Clarke Residence' at Holme. I didn't think father would cope with four females all day, but he managed us well!!! Old friends and NOA members Audrey and Maurice phoned up to wish father happy birthday, which was really nice of them and it made my day, when father indicated to me that he wanted to chat with them on the phone – he rarely answers or speaks on the phone now adays, so it was lovely to hear him conversing with some else, other than his family. Father had lots of presents, including his usual request of chocolates, a new cardigan and a coat. Birthday cake and singing commenced at tea time and lots of slimline (not) food was consumed by all! We left our parents to have a peaceful evening at 7pm. I dropped Lucy home and then took Vivien back to Ely as her bag of birthday presents was too heavy for her to manage on the train, I decided. The wind was pretty scary as we drove to Ely – items were hitting the car windscreen, don't know what they were!!! It was great sitting in Vivien's flat and having a girly chat – I really should spend more time with my sisters instead of devoting my entire time to birding!

I naughtily didn't book any shifts tomorrow, so I am out birding all day!!! 


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