Sunday 3 November 2013

Winter Birding!

House Sparrow – Old Hunstanton.

When I stepped out of the house this morning, I hadn't realised how cold it was and promptly returned to add some more layers! It was glorious sunshine, but decidedly chilly today. I had this really silly idea that I was going to have a frame filling shot of a Yellow-browed Warbler today – ha ha!

Old Hunstanton
I must admit that I wasn't exactly sure where 'Linksway' was in Old Hunstanton – it is in fact a hotel which is at the far end of 'Waterworks Road' which is the road adjacent to 'Caley Hall Hotel'. I parked the car fifty yards along 'Waterworks Road' and walked to where yesterday's Yellow-browed Warbler and Firecrest were seen. On route there was a lovely flock of House Sparrows sitting in a hedgerow opposite a large house and garden. Just before 'Linksway Hotel' is 'Bridge House' (on your right) with several willow trees, a sycamore and bramble bushes. It was these willows were the YBW and Firecrest were seen yesterday. It was 9am when I arrived – I didn't think I had a hope of seeing any birds in these willows as it was really windy and very cold. At 10am I had a good, but short view of the Yellow-browed Warbler on a dead branch, just in front of the large sycamore – but sadly not seen long enough, to capture on my camera. No sign of the Firecrest. Connor and Billy Rand turned up and also four other birders, but that Yellow-browed Warbler did not show any more – very frustrating and to my knowledge didn't show any more today – I stayed until 11am and gave up. Several starling flocks flying west.
House Sparrow – Old Hunstanton.

Coffee, cheese scone and catch up with a friend in 'Byfords' Cafe and Restaurant.

East Bank
I walked along the 'East Bank' to find the Shorelark which was seen earlier today. Grey Plover on route, Little Egrets. Walked east along the shingle bank as far as 'Sea Pool' and back. Meadow Pipit, Skylark, flock of 21 Snow Buntings and 8 Gannets sitting on the sea, but no Shorelark.
Crop of picture below.

Caspian Gull (First Winter & polish colour-ringed) – Cley NWT

Yellow-legged Gull – Cley NWT.

Teal Hide NWT
5 Whooper Swans, a Polish colour-ringed Caspian Gull (see ETM's Video HERE) and a Yellow-legged Gull on 'Pat's Pool' from Teal Hide NWT later this evening. As always, a beautiful sunset to finish the day with the 5 Whooper Swans flying through the orange skies inland at about 5.30pm.

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