Tuesday 10 December 2013

16 Today!

No 16 today in the 'Fatbirder' Birding Top 1000 – my highest yet, thanks everyone! 3,736 views today! Also No. 5 on The Nature Blog Network.

My Storm Account on Saturday has the third most views of any post on my blog, well chuffed! How sad am I!!! Thanks again for lots of kind messages today about this post by email, twitter, facebook and on Birdforum. I counted the pictures I added over the last three nights and couldn't believe it when I found that I had added 133!!! Crazy!

There will be more!!! On Saturday I will carry on with my Storm Report and will continue on from where I left off last Saturday.

Absolutely shattered this evening, only just home at 8pm after doing stuff for tomorrow's Appraisal at work and will be working late into the night to finish it – my own fault, shouldn't have left it until the last minute! – roll on tomorrow night when I will be going to bed VERY early!

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