Thursday 2 January 2014

Glorious Weather & A New Beginning!

How unfair that yesterday, when so many birders were doing their New Year's Day list, did we have to endure howling wind and rain in such atrocious conditions. Today in comparison, was almost like a summer's day when I had time to glance out of the window at work, hardly a leaf fluttering in the breeze and full sunshine all bl**dy day! If only today had been yesterday, it would have been so much nicer and there would have been much bigger lists at the end of the day!

Oh well, that's my listing finished for the year. Not doing a year list, I didn't last year either. Too expensive and stressful to keep that up for an entire year! I had massive fun when I did my 2009 year list, but it was costly and time consuming.

Several things need to change this year – watch this space! Roll on February – by that time my birthday will be out of the way with and I will be looking forward to Spring!

Well, we now all begin another year of ' Hot Birding and Life ' – bring it on!

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