Monday 13 January 2014

My Storm Pictures Going on Air Tomorrow!

I have just been contacted by BBC Look East to show some of my storm pictures from 5th December on a special feature they are airing shortly! Will keep you posted when it's going to be aired.

The amusing thing is that I can't watch Look East, as many people can't in North Norfolk. There seems to be small pockets where people can watch it, but the majority of people in this area have to put up with watching Yorkshire news! It's been like this for donkey's years!

Update: The storm feature is tomorrow night at 6.30pm!!! Just edited pictures, saved at 300dpi and emailed them with my name embedded in the jpg (as suggested by a FB friend, thanks). So annoying I can't watch the programme, but may be able to watch it on the net afterwards I suppose.

Not too bad a Monday today with above news and also that I lost 4lbs in weight on my first weekly weigh-in with my diet this morning! A new Penny by mid-summer!

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