Wednesday 1 January 2014

Norfolk Bird News!

Main Highlights – RBA
Twite x 2, Hen Harrier, Smew, Velvet Scoters x 3 at Titchwell RSPB
Black-throated Diver at Hemsby
Snow Buntings x 50 at Hunstanton
Common Cranes x 5, Mealy Redpoll, Hen Harrier at Horsey Mere
Slavonian Grebe, Harbour Porpoise at Weybourne
Hen Harrier at Morston
PARROT CROSSBILLS x 8 and Crossbills x 5 at Edgefield
Hawfinch at Nunnery Lakes NR, Thetford
Rough-legged Buzzard, Crossbills x 12 at Haddiscoe Island, viewable from Waveney Forest
Taiga Bean Geese x 2, Eurasian White-fronted Geese x 26 at Buckingham Marshes RSPB
Glaucous Gull at Edgefield Tip
Tundra Bean Goose, Barnacle Goose with Pink-footed Geese between Docking and Choseley
Velvet Scoters x 2, Common Scoters x 50 at Gorleston
Great White Egret, Caspian Gull at Nar Valley Fisheries Lakes, Narborough
White-fronted Geese x 3 at Martham
Common Cranes x 3 at Heigham Holmes
Snow Buntings x 50, Little Gull at Winterton
Whooper Swans x 12, Bewick's Swans x 83 at Ludham
Snow Buntings x 50 at Gore Point, Holme

Other News
No sign of the BRUNNICH'S GUILLEMOT at Portland Harbour today!

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