Saturday 25 January 2014

Norfolk Bird News!

Main Highlights – RBA
Mealy Redpolls x 2, UEA, Norwich
Shags x 4 at Hunstanton
Glossy Ibis at Wiveton and Cley
PARROT CROSSBILLS x 7 at Edgefield
Waxwings x 10 at Norwich
Purple Sandpipers x 2 at Waxham
Shorelarks x 2, Snow Buntings x 60 at Great Yarmouth
Glossy Ibis x 2, Common Cranes x 7 at Martham
Common Cranes x 4 at Horsey
Golden Pheasant at Wolferton
Rough-legged Buzzards x 2 at Haddiscoe Island, viewable from Waveney Forest
Rough-legged Buzzard, Snow Buntings x 40 at Holkham
Whooper Swans x 20, Bewick's Swans x 175 at Ludham Airfield
Common Cranes x 3 at Welney WWT
Great Northern Diver, Hen Harrier, Jack Snipe at Burnham Overy Staithe
Black-throated Divers x 4, Great Northern Divers x 2, Black Brant at Blakeney Harbour
Black-throated Diver at Holme
Waxwing at Old Hunstanton
Scaup at Titchwell RSPB
Black-throated Diver west of Martham Broad, Thurn

Other News
MEGA! AMERICAN COOT remains at Loch Flemington, Highland, Scotland

Torrential Rain, thunder and lightening this afternoon – weird weather for January!


  1. We had thunder, lightning and hail as well, but we didn't get even half of those brilliant birds. From Findlay

  2. Hi Findlay! Yes, that a pretty good list for winter birding in Norfolk!
